A prototype is an early sample or model built to test a concept or process to be replicated or learned from. It is a term used in a variety of contexts including design, electronics and software programming. Prototyping serves to provide specifications for a real, working system rather than a theoretical one. One of the essential early steps in the inventing process is creating a prototype which simply defined is a three dimensional version of your vision.

Creating a prototype can be one of the most rewarding steps that you will take as an inventor because developing a prototype gives you the opportunity to really tap into your creativity and use those skills that inspired your invention idea in the first place. A prototype provides the advantage of enabling you to test and refine the functionality of the design, making it possible to test the performance of various materials, helping to describe the product more effectively in order to encourage others to take an invention idea more seriously.

The creation of a prototype is a vital step in your invention process. How exactly do you move forward and actually do it? This stage in the inventing process is possibly the period of greatest learning. Making a prototype by hand is a great way to start bringing the product to life. Begin by realizing there are no rules.

Prototyping can involve input from designers, researchers, business development professionals and intellectual property experts who have expertise in all areas of product design and manufacture.  I-DrawDesign.com professionals are capable of providing complete services that include designing, prototyping and protecting your product, providing you with advice on marketing and all steps necessary to take your ideas from paper to product, in order to provide you with the best chance for success at market.